
Thursdays in Black

A series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Prof. Dr Azza Karam: Thursdays in Black “can build the strongest mountain of human dignity”. Interview

Inaugural Johannes Lähnemann Interfaith Peacebuildung Education Lecture

Building Effective Resilience in Troubled Times. Interfaith Women Peacebuilders

Professor Azza Karam’s lecture delves into the profound intersections of faith, resilience, and women’s roles in building peace.


Dr. Azza Karam on banning the political use of religion

A dialogue with Azza Karam about the global campaign to enact an ‘International Treaty to Ban the Political Use of Religion’ led by BPUR International.

Grove Harris' Intervention at HLPF 2020

Grove Harris [Temple of Understanding] spoke on behalf of the Women's Major Group, at the "Ending hunger and achieving food security" session on 7th July 2020.

Women’s Initiatives

As a leading interfaith organization founded by a woman, Juliet Hollister, the Temple of Understanding has long been interested in women’s full contributions to society as a pathway to peace.

Our most recent Hollister award recipient is Ela Gandhi, an internationally recognized peace activist and the granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi. In February of 2015, she suggested we focus this work in a call: Religions Protect and Respect Women.


International Women’s Day, 2024

NEW YORK, Mar 5 2024 (IPS) - One of the most fascinating aspects of International Women’s Day is an odd subtext. That this is all about and (only) for women. Really? Since when are the realities of one part of humanity – the part that gives birth to the rest by the way – only relevant to that one part?

Would we ever think that if we had an international man’s day (which would be practically every day of the years of our lives) is all about and only for men? No, we would not.


BPUR International

BPUR International is a global campaign to enact an ‘International Treaty to Ban the Political Use of Religion', a crucial foundation to eliminate the root causes of religious conflicts and discrimination worldwide.

Article ~ Flyer

Ruminations on living as a Muslim woman

Dr. Azza Karam shares her international journey of faith. Her "ruminations on living as a Muslim woman in the West" are sure to be eye-opening, and how her faith has carried her through so much and in so many spaces will lend encouragement.

History of Religious Freedom in America

A summary of the history of religious freedom in America produced by the National Museum of American Religion. See more at

Welcoming the founding and mission of Lead Integrity

Rev. Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, welcomes the founding and mission of Lead Integrity

Statement on the Launch of Lead Integrity

General Secretary of ACT ALLIANCE - Mr Bueno de Faria.

Get started with Lead Integrity, today.